Los Angeles, CA. - Black Women for Wellness presents The 24th Annual Reproductive Justice Conference on August 10, 2023. It will take place at The California Endowment from 8:00 am - 5:30 pm. This impactful event will feature experts, healthcare providers, live podcasting, advocates, and government officials. The event will include workshops, panel discussions, and keynote speakers on topics ranging from maternal health to reproductive rights to environmental justice. This year's theme emphasizes the need of identifying and healing from past traumas while protecting the present and building a better future for Black women and girls. The conference hopes to provide a space where attendees can learn from one another, share resources, and collaborate to create tangible and positive change by bringing the community together.
- Early bird tickets at $100 on Eventbrite: TICKETS.
- Renown speakers like Dr. Deidra Cooper-Owens, Dr. Byron “B.K.” Edmond, Professor, Professor Deleso A. Alford, and more to be announced.
- A special exhibit, by Michelle Montgomery entitled, The Mothers of Gynecology Monument.
- A men's track to discuss the role that they play in the reproductive justice community with breakout sessions, panels, and open discussions.
- Up to 5 Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) units.
- Networking and professional development opportunities
- Prominent authors in attendance.
- Breakfast and lunch.
- TBD - Intersection of Mental Health and Reproductive Justice: Advocacy for Black Women and Girls
- Arnedra Jordan at arnedra@bwwla.com
- Website: BWWLA.org